Quantal Beta Freeze now in effect.

Kate Stewart kate.stewart at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 20 22:11:17 UTC 2012

Dear Developers,
   Beta Freeze[1] is now in effect (Thursday, September 20).
All uploads to the archive will now have to be approved manually 
by the release team, prior to inclusion.

   Please use the rls-q-incoming tag on any bugs found if 
its urgent to get fixed, so it comes to the attention of 
the appropriate development team as soon as possible.

   Also, this is now the time to review your blueprints,
and for those blueprints with features ready, please mark them
"beta available" or "complete" as appropriate.  This will
aid in generation of better release notes.

   If you have information that should be added to the 
techical overview for beta 2,  the draft document is now
available for input. [2] 

Thank you for your cooperation,  

on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team.

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetaFreeze
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview

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