[QA] Release Meeting 2012-09-14

Gema Gomez gema.gomez-solano at canonical.com
Thu Sep 13 15:43:58 UTC 2012


Here is the QA report this week:

=== Release Testing ===

==== Quantal Testing ====


* Installer:
- Desktop:
   - Found 1 new bug: [Bug 1048477] failed to install quantal desktop
iso(build:20120909) with a popup window showing: the installer
encountered an unrecoverable error.
     A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the
problem or try installing again (duplicated with bug 1048211 and fix

- Alternate:
   - Stop all the automated testing jobs on quantal alternate isos from
this week due to there are not the isos any more, and won't include this
item in next mail.

- Server:
   - Found 2 new bug:
     [Bug 1049011] Quantal server installation fails to install kernel
(fix released)
     [Bug 1049011] Quantal server installation fails to install kernel

   - For [Bug 1028453] Quantal Ubuntu Server minimal install over sized,
it's fixed this week, but we found it still existed in quantal amd64,
and had a discussion for the issue in the bug page.

* Upgrades:
   - Found several "obsolete config file left" bugs this week:
     [Bug 1049062] Obsolete config files for update-manager-core are
left after precise2quantal server upgrades (fix released)
     [Bug 1049057] Obsolete config files -gnome keyring module-left
after precise to quantal upgrades
     [Bug 1049058] Obsolete config file -lts-q-backports-left after
precise to quantal upgrades
     [Bug 1049060] Obsolete config file left after precise to quantal
     [Bug 1049061] Obsolete config file
-com.canonical.unity.unity.03.upgrade-left after precise to quantal upgrades
     Existing bugs:
     [Bug 1022927] Upgrade tests failed: obsolete files left after the
upgrade (fix released, but more similar bugs found, please refer to the
bugs listed above)
     [Bug 1034889] Oneiric to Precise and Precise to Quantal upgrade:
debconf prompt to update unmodified configuration file: /etc/sudoers
     [Bug 1049062] Obsolete config files for update-manager-core are
left after precise2quantal server upgrades

==== Precise Testing ====

* Installer
  - No new issue found this week.

* Upgrades:
  - Found several "obsolete config file left" bugs this week, and more
this kind of bugs are on the way
    [Bug 1050248] obsolete config files of apturl-common left after the
lucid 2 precise upgrade
    [Bug 1050249] obsolete config files of byobu left after the lucid 2
precise upgrade
    [Bug 1050259] obsolete config files of gnome-settings-daemon left
after the lucid 2 precise upgrade
    Existing bugs:
    [Bug 1040494] Unable to perform cdromupgrade without network from
Lucid to Precise 12.04.1 AMD64 : E:Could not perform immediate
configuration on 'python-minimal'
    [Bug 1022927] Upgrade tests failed: obsolete files left after the
upgrade  (fix released, but more similar bugs found, please refer to the
bugs listed above)
    [Bug 1034889] Oneiric to Precise and Precise to Quantal upgrade:
debconf prompt to update unmodified configuration file: /etc/sudoers

=== What was done engineering wise? ===

We are adding ARM support to UTAH.

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams and release
as a whole? ===


=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===


=== Dependencies on other teams to make deliverables, blocking items,
release wide concerns? ===


=== Team Status ===


Gema Gomez-Solano        <gema.gomez-solano at canonical.com>
Ubuntu QA Team           https://launchpad.net/~gema.gomez
Canonical Ltd.           http://www.canonical.com

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