[Linaro] Release Meeting 2012-03-30

Fathi Boudra fathi.boudra at linaro.org
Fri Mar 30 07:53:01 UTC 2012

== What was done engineering wise? ==

 * Linaro 12.03 released - http://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1203/Release
   Detailed highlights available on
 * Improved continuous integration loop:
   * added sysroots jobs.
   * added Versatile express RTSM (Fast Model) kernel and hwpack jobs.
   * added daily pre-built images job.
 * Multi-Arch work is on-going:
   * fixed more packages: aalib, gawk, libbsd, texinfo, noweb, ifupdown,
     debianutils, debiandoc-sgml.
   * 56 packages currently cross-build OK in strict chroot.
 * Updated XBMC package to 11.0 Eden.

== What's about to land that might impact the other teams ==

 * PowerVR SGX ARMHF driver for Pandaboard, using update-alternatives.

== Summary of bugs working on by team ==

 * gnome-shell version 3.3.92-0ubuntu1 FTBFS on armhf in precise
 * debianutils: FTCBFS: Cross build calls wrong-arch strip
 * dash: FTCBFS: Cross build calls wrong-arch strip

== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items ==

 * PowerVR SGX ARMHF driver review/approval depending on infinity.

== Issues ==

 * We're getting close to the release and we still don't have Unity 3D fully
   working on ARM (GL ES). Missing compiz patches, package config changes on
   Nux and Unity to force GL ES on ARM, and the PowerVR SGX ARMHF driver.

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