A couple of UIFe requests

Ara Pulido ara at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 19 16:55:18 UTC 2012

Hello all,

I have requested a couple of UIFe for Checkbox.

The first one, to remove a useless Welcome tab that is bug prone and is
confusing the users:


I have communicated this freeze exception request to the docs and the
translations team, although for translators there is no differences (no
new strings)

The second one is to avoid an effective regression in Checkbox:


The default Checkbox UI used to have a comments field that allowed the
tester to add comments to every run test, so we could determined better
the reasons for passing or failing a particular test.

That feature is missing from the precise default checkbox UI
(checkbox-qt), and we are hoping to be granted with a feature freeze
exception to avoid an effective regression for our users.

We are hoping to get those features in our next upload (0.13.5) which we
are planning to start preparing for upload tomorrow, to have it before
Beta 2 Freeze.

So, please, should you have any concerns or questions, ping me (ara) or
Daniel (roadmr) as soon as possible.


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