[QA Community] Release Meeting 2012-06-05

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Fri Jun 15 15:57:14 UTC 2012

=== What was done engineering wise? ===

* Created requirements for the community hardware database
* Created a blueprint to track work items around ensuring kernel quality this cycle
* Alpha 1 feedback meeting resulted in some tweaks and enhancements for alpha 2
* The QATracker staging site contains the first call for testing
utilizing the qatracker, kernel 12.10 testing on 12.04. 12 people have submitted results to the site , resulting in 8 bugs found within the kernel. Several UI tweaks have also been suggested, and thanks to stgraber, will be implemented. Full results here:


=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams and release as a whole? ===

* Next week will start the pre-testing of alpha 2 in an attempt to catch respin bugs before they happen :-) We'll be asking folks to take a moment at one point during the week and run a daily iso test or two to catch any low hanging or critical bugs.
* The new qatracker will be launching and we'll be asking folks to help catch any bugs, in preparation as well for using it for alpha 2 testing. In addition, we will have a production version of the the other qatrackers for testing packages and/or doing calls for testing.
* Will be meeting with ubuntu flavors teams (and community) to discuss QA best practices
* Meeting with HEXR team to discuss requirements document for community hardware

=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===
* This appears to be a potential regression, with far reaching ramifications
* The community is having trouble understanding how the archive and packages are changing without being able to see what's changing in the changelogs, due to a server issue

=== Dependencies on other teams to make deliverables, blocking items, release wide concerns? ===

* Community Unity testing process is still being finalized; needs to fit into the new structure


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