SRUs and the development release

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Jun 4 08:33:58 UTC 2012

Le 03/06/2012 16:03, Iain Lane a écrit :

> It's not clear to me what we can do about people not test-building their
> uploads,
Speaking about the unity example, it got built tested and run tested but 
by people still on precise (the priority was to get the SRU out to the 
lts users)

> but could the SRU team make it clear that just uploading to the
> development release is not enough — the fixes have to *work* there too?
I don't think there is a communication issue on that point, nobody is 
making the fix not work on purpose...
> It's a small amount of extra work to additionally check the build
> status, but hopefully it'll pay off in a more solid dev release, which
> is a meme we've been trying to establish, after all.
Checking the build status is not the issue there, the issue has been 
noticed when launchpad tried the build and sent ftbfs issue and upstream 
unity has been pinged about it, the resolution is just taking some time 
because that make it run into several level of issues (need to 
transition to new versions or lib, need to fix errors with the new 
toolchains, and now need to figure a segfault issue).

Ideally builds would be tested on a q build system before upload, while 
that's not hard work it's also not a "small amount of extra work" if you 
are running still the stable serie (it's easy enough to set a pbuilder 
or so but it's still work and I'm not sure we should force people who 
contribute a SRU fix to go through that)

The other option there would have been to block the LTS SRU on getting 
those issues resolved and we wanted to see some of the bugs fixed and 
sooner that later so I'm unsure delaying the SRU was the right way either...

Sebastien Bacher

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