[Security] Release meeting 2012-07-27

Marc Deslauriers marc.deslauriers at canonical.com
Thu Jul 26 18:17:37 UTC 2012

Here is the status for the security team:

[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Quantal
[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-security-essential.html
[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-quantal/canonical-security.html

=== What was done engineering wise? ===

 * Regular reactive security work in Quantal and stable release
 * Merges and syncs into Quantal
 * Ongoing AppArmor work
 * Did MIR for auditd daemon-only package
 * Improved tools and documentation for MIR security audits
 * Completed development of python-based replacement for vm-tools called 'uvt'

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams? ===

 * Nothing

=== Release Notes ===

=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===

 * LP: #951462 - Add LIMIT rule for ipv6 in ufw
   - good progress
 * LP: #1020598 - iptables ftbfs
   - resolved

=== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items? ===

 * None.

=== Issues? ===

 * None.



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