[QA Community] Release Meeting 2012-07-13

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Fri Jul 13 14:19:41 UTC 2012

=== What was done engineering wise? ===

* 2 week cadence for ISO testing of dailies. 9 people tested 122 builds, resulting in 2 non-critical bugs found. This was the first offweek cadence schedule we've run.
* Continued assembling volunteers with specific common hardware for Kernel testing 12.10 on 12.04 userspace;https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Kernel. The list has grown fairly nicely resulting in coverage for all the critical pieces (wireless and graphics), but still missing a couple requested pieces of hardware. Thus far 26 people have tested 5 builds and found 13 bugs.
* Finished review of iso testcases
* ARM Testing; discovering what testcases exist for ARM and plans for testing going forward
* Finished automating new builds for ppa packages; need to implement on server.

  === What's about to land that might impact the other teams and release as a whole? ===

* N/A

=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===

* PPC builds are failing to install

=== Dependencies on other teams to make deliverables, blocking items, release wide concerns? ===


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