Work items tracking

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Jul 10 14:34:42 UTC 2012

Le 10/07/2012 16:18, Kate Stewart a écrit :

Hey Skaet,

Thanks for the reply.
> the work items are only tracked for those that are part of an existing
> team in launchpad that the tracker knows about.
> if he's not a member of one of the teams in:
> his work items aren't individually tracked.

Oh, that makes sense, thanks!

> There's a team where he can be added to, ubuntu-community-contributors,
> so that tracking can start.   Ask him to ping me if he wants to be
> added, and I'll help sort it, and anyone else that falls into this catch
> all.
Thanks, I will ping you off list if I get some such cases.

> Load balancing should be done before features are milestones/prioritized
> and approved by team management.

Right, sorry I think I overlooked it, I though for one moment that a 
workitem assigned to a desktoper on a foundation blueprint wouldn't 
reflect on the desktop team chart so we wouldn't see how much "debt" we 
have to other teams on how we are progressing on those.
> Yes, milestones and priority of the blueprint should be standard
> practice to make sure are set on blueprints before they are approved.
> The fields are there,  we should be using them to help us manage the
> release.  :)  In terms of using the milestones, spreading the work out
> and managing expectations about when features are landing, is what the
> other teams are doing, and is good engineering practice to avoid
> problems at the system level across teams. (for dependencies and
> expectation setting).

Well, the way we have been doing (or at least I, but maybe I overlooked 
something pitti was doing before) is to use the "Series goal" to see the 
serie and only set the milestone if the spec was due before the end of 
the cycle (i.e for an alpha or beta), I will go and fix the desktop 

Looking to foundation they seem to have it set for most specs but lack 
some as well, I spotted those if somebody wants to fix them:

> If someone with launchpad skills wants to volunteer to do the work, we
> can look at making it default to beta-1 for all blueprints not
> explicitly assigned to a milestone in the series (closest point to
> feature freeze),  since most blueprints are for features,  rather than
> the end of the release.  Any volunteers?  ;)
That would be good ;-)

Sebastien Bacher

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