[QA] Release Meeting 2012-01-27

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 27 15:58:27 UTC 2012

On 01/27/2012 03:46 PM, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Jean-Baptiste Lallement [2012-01-27 14:31 +0100]:
>> 922478	ubuntu alternate 20120127 failed to install: ttf-thai-tlwg :
>> Depends: fonts-thai-tlwg but it is not installable
> That was due to a binary-only component-mismatch, I fixed it this
> morning.
right, this is fixed and there's one new with the latest image:
922646 precise alternate LVM failed to install: no root file system

>>       * Check that user settings are preserved on upgrade:
>> background, theme, keyboard, custom launchers
> Where would these appear in the log? E. g.
>    https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade/PROFILE=lts-ubuntu,label=upgrade-test/100/console
> does not have any match for "lts_upgrade", and the scripts are still
> called 	test_lts_upgrade_system.py and test_lts_upgrade_user.py ?
This is an old job that stopped running nearly 3 weeks ago and should 
have been removed. I'll ask to clean this up as it is very confusing.

If you look at Ubuntu Desktop AMD64 (i386 failed) today it shows that 
both tests ran:

The dashboard for upgrades is 

> Thanks,
> Martin

irc: jibel

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