Fwd: [Linaro] Release Meeting 2012-01-06

Fathi Boudra fathi.boudra at linaro.org
Fri Jan 6 13:59:55 UTC 2012

sorry for the broken formatting. 2nd try...

---------- Forwarded message ----------

== What was done engineering wise? ==

* New arm-porting-queue bug triagging page available on
* Developer Platform planning for 2012.01 is available on
* New TI LT kernel fixing the bug about the lack of hardware video decoding
  support. http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/880840
* Some branches for GL ES support for Unity 3D are starting to get merged.
  Thanks to DX Team!
* TI started to build the PVR SGX driver for ARMHF architecture. Plan to have
  it available soon at the TI PPA.
* AMRHF builds enabled on Linaro Staging/Overlay PPA. Thanks lamont!

== What's about to land that might impact the other teams ==

* New U-Boot package, based on Linaro 2011.12 and upstream 2011.12 releases.
  - with this release, we should also replace X-Loader for OMAP 3 (SPL support)
  - ARM team is aware of the transition.
* ARMHF packages for the Linaro related packages: linux-linaro, lt-mx53, etc...

== Summary of bugs working on by team ==

* (none).

== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items ==

* (none).

== Issues ==

* (none).

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