[Server] Release Meeting 2012-02-17

Antonio Rosales antonio.rosales at canonical.com
Fri Feb 17 15:47:59 UTC 2012

Status: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/#Servercloud

=== What was done engineering wise? ===
* High effort around OpenStack agile testing resulting in good stability
of the Ubuntu Openstack CI'ing[1].

* Keystone (openstack auth and identity component) migrated upstream to
a new, from scratch, component (keystone-light/redux branch).  We are
working on resolving issues within that, and the packaging to support it.

* Significant work on provisioning and deploying of Ubuntu Server framework

* Effort towards LXC improvements.

* Improvements to Openstack deployment charms.

* Improvements to automated Charm testing framework to signal failures.

* Definition of ARM workloads tasks defined and being tasked out and
worked on.

* CEPH MIR submitted and being reviewed.

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams? ===
* Nothing to report at the moment.

=== Release Notes ===

=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===
* http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html
   -1 critical bug
	924739: after upgrade from oneiric to precise, previous squid config
unused, cannot be used when relocated
	-Issue is the move to squid3 bring a change of location to the squid.conf.
   -Bugs of interest:
     -Resolving a few OpenStack bugs (ie 883988, 906654, 907197, 929780,

=== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items? ===
* None at the moment.

=== Issues? ===
* OpenMPI making good progress for ARM packaging will need a feature freeze

[1] http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/704/

Antonio Rosales
Ubuntu Server & Cloud Workloads
Canonical Ltd

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