First opt-in alpha release for Raring

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Mon Dec 3 01:52:07 UTC 2012

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 04:34:08 PM Stéphane Graber wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> According to the ReleaseSchedule, next week is alpha-1 for those
> flavours that want to participate in it.
> I'll be the point of contact for this release, so if you have any
> question, feel free to contact me (here or in #ubuntu-release).
> The first thing we need to figure out is who exactly is participating in
> this release.
> The Canonical supported flavours (Ubuntu
> Desktop/Server/Cloud/Netboot/...) won't be participating in this
> milestone as they're instead doing their cadence testing and cut down
> the number of milestone releases for this cycle.
> So if you are a product lead please reply to this e-mail by Monday 21:00
> UTC with whether you'll be participating or not, what products and
> architectures you plan on releasing and who will be your release
> contact(s) for this milestone.
> I'll be assuming that any product that doesn't ask for an alpha-1 by
> then won't be participating.
> For those products that are participating, daily builds will be turned
> off at 21:00 UTC on Monday and a set of candidates built shortly after that.
> There won't be any archive freeze for this milestone, however, if you have
> particular concern about specific source packages, get in touch in
> #ubuntu-release and we may hold those in -proposed for the duration of the
> milestone process.
> I'll be following the process at:
> Making necessary adjustments as we go, considering that it's the first
> time Ubuntu itself isn't part of a milestone.
> Participating flavours will be responsible to write their own Technical
> Overview and Release Notes and provide me with links by 21:00 UTC on
> Wednesday so they can be added to the announcement.
> As discussed at UDS, a release announcement will be sent by the release
> team to the usual places with one paragraph per flavour, the links to
> the various technical overviews and release notes pages and a section
> explaining the change in milestones for the Canonical-supported products.

Kubuntu is planning on Alpha 1.

Scott K

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