[PS] Release Meeting 2012-08-24

Alan Pope alan.pope at canonical.com
Thu Aug 23 15:49:51 UTC 2012

== What was done engineering wise? ==

* quantal
   - GSettings integration of compiz/unity
   - OpenGL ES support in compiz
   - Webapps support landed in trunks [FIX-REALLYSOONNOW]
   - Nux Animations use started in Unity
   - Dash Previews work
   - Multi-touch gestures for switching between windows
   - Coverflow in Dash
   - New tarball releases of libunity, dee and unity lenses - preview 
* precise
   - Working on Unity SRU-2

== What's about to land that might impact the other teams and release
as a whole? ==

* nux
* compiz
   - All the new features of past two months including ABI/API breaks. A 
lot of plugins remain to be ported to be OpenGL ES compatible.
* unity
* bamf
   - Trunk has ABI and API changes, added webapps related features, 
removed some broken functions (symbols) - need to change soname (see LP: 
* libunity
   - Recently released libunity introduces some API changes - even 
though there is no ABI break, there is a small API break, so beware.

== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ==

* compiz
   1039482 -  imgsvg build failure on quantal
1036739 -  Window management - decouple window minimise and 
restore/maximise animation timings
1036542 -  [regression] Clicking launcher icons in expo mode now exits 
expo mode
1039834 -  paralell builds can fail on resize_logic
1039843 -  make fails if librsvg-2.0 < 2.36.2
1035261 -  Port compiz to gsettings and consequently remove unity-2d
201342 -  Tearing on secondary monitors even when "Sync To VBlank" is 
turned on.
901097 -  Add option to use glXSwapBuffers on every frame, not just 
full-screen redraws.
1004251 -  Animations aren't smooth when sync to vblank is enabled
1037710 -  Tearing at top of laptop screen

* unity
1039451 -  WARN unity.hud.hud Hud.cpp:185 Attempted to close the hud 
connection without starting it
950782  -  Alt-tab - The app name in the integrated menu should not 
change during Alt-tab switching
1036231 -  Icon resized between 32 - 48 - 64 look jaggy
1036528 -  [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] Benchmark window is mostly invisible, 
shrunken and displaced
1037949 -  [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] [multimonitor] If unityshell is loaded 
then both monitors are intermittently painted onto the second monitor 
1037408 -  [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] [multimonitor] Launcher/Panel only 
draws on one monitor, not both
1036568 -  [GLES] [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] Screen goes black if unityshell 
is loaded and vertex_buffer_object=OFF
1036569 -  [GLES] [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] Unity shell (Launcher and 
Panel) are missing if framebuffer_object is disabled
1036609 -  [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] Benchmark window appears behind the 
Unity shell now
1039410 -  [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] With unity scrollbar support enabled, 
hotplugging monitors doesn't work
1039453 -  [BUILD_GLES] Multiple build errors in 
1038886 -  lp:unity does not build (missing dash/PreviewMusic.cpp)
1036519 -  [regression] [USE_MODERN_COMPIZ_GL] Launcher overdrawn; 
transparency lost and white line appears.
1035951 -  [Regression] Hideous low-res icon when using the HUD with 
autohide enabled.

== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items ==

* Limited during ff, the hours in a day are.

Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at canonical.com

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