[Ubuntu One] Release Meeting 2012-08-10

Joshua Hoover joshua.hoover at canonical.com
Thu Aug 9 21:01:11 UTC 2012

=== What was done engineering wise? ===

 * U1DB client will be packaged up for universe Monday or Tuesday next week
 * Continued port of SSO client to Python 3 - going to be tight to make
it for feature freeze
 * Continued backend work for sync indicator - see notes in dependencies
 * Bug fixes

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams and release
as a whole? ===


=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===

* Bug:1033488 - ubuntuone-client: UbuntuOne fails to synchronise folder
when invalid symlink with same name as cloud folder is present
* Bug:1033488 - ubuntuone-control-panel: UbuntuOne fails to synchronise
folder when invalid symlink with same name as cloud folder is present
* Bug:1032659 - ubuntuone-client: There is no way to access recent and
current transfers information over IPC

=== Dependencies on other teams to make deliverables, blocking items,
release wide concerns? ===

We're not blocked on the sync indicator but will have to create our own
(U1 specific indicator) if the sync indicator is not there.

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