[Ubuntu One] Release Meeting 2012-04-20

Joshua Hoover joshua.hoover at canonical.com
Fri Apr 20 13:01:34 UTC 2012

=== What was done engineering wise? ===
 * Nothing specific for Precise. We're discovering some odd issues
related to authentication with Ubuntu One in Windows that may impact
Precise users but we haven't seen these reports from those users so far.

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams? ===

=== Release Notes ===

=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===

=== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items? ===

=== Issues? ===
 * Bug:940669 - ubuntu-sso-login crashed with SIGSEGV in
QSocketNotifier::setEnabled() - Still unable to reproduce/identify cause
of problem in order to get a fix in. We're interested in hearing from
anyone with ideas. :)

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