Oneiric Final Candidates testing status

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste at
Wed Oct 12 11:02:28 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

Please find below the status of Oneiric Final Candidates testing that is
currently going on.

Ubuntu testing is nearly covered:
* Remaining test cases for desktop are 'Screen reader installation' and
'migration assistant'
* Remaining test case for server is 'JeOS on ESX'

Major issues remain with the partitioner on Macs (see details below).
A fix for an iSCSI defect on server has been SRUed.

On the derivative front, edubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu are covered,
kubuntu needs more thorough testing (DVDs untested), Mythbuntu and
Ubuntu Studio are untested.

= Coverage =

Product	        Coverage   Pass Rate
Ubuntu	         92.68%	     91.96%
Ubuntu Server	 94.05%	     98.80%
ARM	        100.00%	    100.00%
Edubuntu	100.00%	    100.00%
Kubuntu	         63.83%	     89.19%
Xubuntu	        100.00%	    100.00%
Lubuntu	        100.00%	    100.00%
Mythbuntu	 16.67%	    100.00%
Ubuntu Studio	  0.00%	      n/a

= Defects overview =
== Bug Tasks Importance ==
 * Critical  	: 1 found (1 closed)
 * High      	: 15 found (5 closed)
 * Medium    	: 10 found
 * Low       	: 1 found
 * Undecided 	: 15 found (3 closed)

== High bugs opened ==
Mac AMD64 specific issues:
   * #745960	grub2	Cannot boot grub after installing to LVM
   * #856826	grub2	'guided resize' partioning leaves Mac unbootable

ARM Issues:
   * #838200	u-boot-linaro	No network support on Beagle XM
   * #856278	ac100-tarball-installer	installation mode from SD card to
USB key fails

Server issue:
   * #870214	open-iscsi	iSCSI root installation creates manual eth0
configuration + long boot

   * #872120	casper	Lubuntu ISO testing - LiveCD session fails to start

== Untriaged defects ==
   * #871553	xfce4-power-manager 	Oneiric Lubuntu xfce4-power-manager
displays a "broken" icon in lxpanel
   * #869239	ubiquity 	Ubiquity should be resized for netbooks (Eee PC, 10")
   * #872405	ubiquity	Swap partition smaller than RAM (entire disk install)
   * #872400	unity	many UI problems after installing oneiric
   * #872634	ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu   ubiquity slideshow not show
every Korean translations pages
   * #870696	ubiquity	Oneiric pre-release i386.iso ubiquity does not
load all the tranlsations
   * #872515	xfce4-session	Onboard Keyboard appears on desktop when
GNOME Services is checked
   * #872121	colord	Lubuntu ISO Testing - colord closed unexpectedly
during liveCD session
   * #872713	casper	New	Kubuntu oneric for kubuntu-default-settings.
Kmail shortcut in start menu favourites does not work

irc: jibel

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