[QA] Release Meeting 2011-12-16

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 16 10:43:09 UTC 2011

== Blueprints and Status ==
  * Work Item Status for Precise: 
  * Work Item Status for Alpha 2: 

== What was done engineering wise? ==

  * ISO Daily Testing Dashboard reshuffled, still not 100% there but 

  * Automated install/upgrade testing
    * https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/
    * New Server test: multi-lvm: Tests LVM layout with separated / 
/home /usr /var /tmp partitions - this broke in Oneiric.
    * Install precise-server-amd64|i386_minimal-virtual: resulting 
system is oversized (>500MB)
    * Upgrades:
      * lts upgrades: configuration prompts during upgrade
        * Bug:903131 - ifupdown prompts during upgrade
        * Bug:903137 - base-files prompts during upgrade
      * main-all on i386/amd64 still failing. needs investigation.

  * Investigate kernel tests for SRUs
    * Inventoried 
[[https://wiki.canonical.com/SteveConklin/LtpTestList|ltp tests available ]]
    * ltp is running under Jenkins and reporting results
    * Testing to determine which ltp tests are useful

  * Boot Speed testing
    * Report: [[http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/]]
    * 2 systems added (Acer Veriton)
      * http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/acer-veriton- 

  * Other
    * Test Cases re-writing by the community, discussions going on about 
how to make the test cases applicable to all the flavors of Ubuntu or 
how to handle the differences
    * New smoke tests are being generated by the community and will be 
added to Jenkins when ready.
    * Case Conductor requirements gathered and sent to the Mozilla QA Team
    * Bug Report ready to be published taking into account the new 
tagging, awaiting for IS to give us a location

== What's about to land that might impact the other teams? ==

== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ==
  * http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qa/qa-open-bugs.html

== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items ==

== Issues? ==

irc: jibel

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