[Foundations] Release meeting 2011-12-16

Colin Watson cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 15 23:45:51 UTC 2011

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 06:31:51PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
>  * Upstart 1.4 released upstream, but a few review comments need to be
>    addressed before it lands in Ubuntu.  This should happen by tomorrow.

An amendment which I should have made to this mail before sending it
out: since tomorrow will be James' last working day of the year before
the Christmas break, we've agreed that this will go to a PPA instead,
and land in Ubuntu proper in the new year when there's time to respond
to any urgent bugs that arise from it.

> == Summary of bugs ==

I'd also like to add bug 904770 here ("As one can see whichever city I
choose in ex-Yugoslavia, Serbia is suggested as a country"), which
should send shivers up the spine of anyone familiar with that part of
the world.  I plan to look at this urgently so that we don't
inadvertently start a war or something ...

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at ubuntu.com]

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