[QA] Release Meeting 2011-12-02

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 9 10:03:36 UTC 2011

On 12/05/2011 07:44 PM, Kate Stewart wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-12-02 at 14:27 +0100, Jean-Baptiste Lallement wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> == Blueprints and Status ==
>>    * Work Item Status for Precise:
>> http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-platform-qa.html
>>    * Work Item Status for Alpha 1:
>> http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-platform-qa-precise-alpha-1.html
>> == Precise Alpha1 Testing ==
>>    * Testing Report:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/PreciseAlpha1TestReport
>>    * The pass rate is much higher than Oneiric Alpha 1, with 97.80% for
>> Precise A1 against 89.22% for Oneiric Alpha 1, and 18 bugs found in this
>> milestone against 39 for the same milestone in Oneiric. But the number
>> of critical and high importance defects are close (2 critical in both
>> and 9 high in Precise against 12 in Oneiric)
> I'm not sure we can compare Oneiric Alpha1 with Precise Alpha 1, since
> the Kubuntu images weren't tested with Precise.
> What do the bugs found per tests run numbers look like?   or just ubuntu
> to ubuntu numbers?
If we compare Ubuntu Oneiric to Ubuntu Precise (Desktop + Server), the 
pass rate are much closer with 94.8% for O and 97.5% for P. In term of 
number of bugs, 37 were found affecting Ubuntu during Oneiric A1 and 14 
for Precise Alpha1

> Thanks, Kate

irc: jibel

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