[Ubuntu One] Release meeting 2011-12-09

Joshua Hoover joshua.hoover at canonical.com
Thu Dec 8 19:52:35 UTC 2011

== What was done engineering wise? ==

 * Adding proxy support - currently working on integration test
framework/suite Bug:884963
 * Team is sprinting this week - work on a new music store experience is
in-progress, though the music lens work has not yet started on the desktop

== What's about to land that might impact the other teams? ==


== Summary of bugs ==

The following bugs are either in progress, fixed in trunk, or released
this past week:

 * Bug:872972 - Store URLs have to wait for main page to load
 * Bug:851044 - Banshee.exe crashed with SIGABRT in
g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() / while using Ubuntu 1 Store
 * Bug:786632 - libubuntuone needs to be set up for translations in Ubuntu
 * Bug:692597 - If the user has the date/time/timezone wrong, connection
fails (Expired timestamp error)

== Dependencies on other teams, blocking items ==

None at this time.

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