2010-11-22, Ubuntu SRU and LTS - minutes

Kate Stewart kate.stewart at canonical.com
Tue Nov 23 01:33:48 GMT 2010

Thank you to all who attended this initial meeting earlier today.  :)

Action Items taken down during the meeting were:
* [cjwatson, apw, Keybuk, azul] - to come up with proposal to handle
upstart interaction/bug 642555 
  * [victorp] look at adding hardware cert reports with architectures as
    one of the pieces of info tracked for SRU meeting 
  * [pedro, marjo] - look at adding regression test report as one of the
    pieces of info tracked for SRU meeting. 
  * [victorp, pedro, bjf, skaet] to set date for next target SRU
    release. We'll be skipping Dec. 2. 
  * [skaet, victorp, bjf, pitti] - meet to discuss SRU release of
    maverick post hardware cert testing results 

Detailed minutes from the meeting can be found at:

Thanks,  Kate

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