[Ubuntu-QC] Script to cure - Espace disque saturé par les anciens noyaux
Gilbert Dion
gilbertdion at gmail.com
Mer 15 Juil 23:18:53 UTC 2015
Bonjour, Georges,
Thanks for replying to my request (which, as I figure, is also a request
from many Ubuntu users). I read the description of the script from Kim
Kulak and I understand it fits my future needs. I sur am interested in
having it to try and adopt. You can send it to my actual gmail address.
Gilbert Dion
2015-07-15 13:14 GMT-04:00 Georges Rodier <georges.rodier at gmail.com>:
> First, my apologies for writing in English only. I do read French but as a
> transplanted American write it rather poorly.
> But to the point, a great solution to the problem of too many old and no
> longer needed kernels is a script written by Kim Kulak, Fearless Founder of
> Ubuntu Vancouver. Kim has given me permission to share his script with
> Ubuntu users everywhere. Here is Kim's description of what his script does.
> "What the script does is make a list of all the kernels installed on your
> system. From that list it removes the kernels you want to keep, the last
> installed kernel, the previously installed kernel, and the currently
> running kernel. (Note that the presently running kernel is almost always
> the same as the last installed kernel.) The script will then print the list
> of kernels it will keep and a list of the kernels it will purge,and then
> prompt you for your password so that it can purge the unneeded kernels.
> You'll then see a lot of output as the kernels are purged and your grub
> menu is updated." Please do wait until the script finishes. It may take
> several minutes and works around for each kernel being removed. A little
> patience, eh?
> Were one (or more) of the technically advanced members of Ubuntu Quebec to
> request it I would gladly send Kim's "purge-kernel" script to them. It
> truly can be run by any user capable of opening a terminal and following
> two very simple steps. Or even by a couple of simple steps in Nautilus or
> Caja.
> From personal experience I know it works as described for my UnbuntuMate
> 14.04 LTS as well as for my wife's Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
> For those using the script from Nautilus or Caja they must first set the
> properties of the script file to be executable in a terminal.
> For those using the script directly in a terminal here are the two simple
> commands (assuming one has saved the script to one's home folder.) N.B.,
> the first command need only be run once as it sets the file properties.
> The two commands are:
> chmod +x purge-kernel
> ./purge-kernel
> N.B., Ubuntu Vancouver was begun in March 2009 and can be found in Meetup
> at http://www.meetup.com/ubuntuvancouver/ .
> Kim can be reached at kim DOT kulak AT gMail DOT com .
> Georges
> --
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