[Ubuntu-QC] Script to cure - Espace disque saturé par les anciens noyaux

Georges Rodier georges.rodier at gmail.com
Mer 15 Juil 17:14:22 UTC 2015

First, my apologies for writing in English only. I do read French but as 
a transplanted American write it rather poorly.

But to the point, a great solution to the problem of too many old and no 
longer needed kernels is a script written by Kim Kulak, Fearless Founder 
of Ubuntu Vancouver. Kim has given me permission to share his script 
with Ubuntu users everywhere. Here is Kim's description of what his 
script does.

"What the script does is make a list of all the kernels installed on 
your system. From that list it removes the kernels you want to keep, the 
last installed kernel, the previously installed kernel, and the 
currently running kernel. (Note that the presently running kernel is 
almost always the same as the last installed kernel.) The script will 
then print the list of kernels it will keep and a list of the kernels it 
will purge,and then prompt you for your password so that it can purge 
the unneeded kernels. You'll then see a lot of output as the kernels are 
purged and your grub menu is updated." Please do wait until the script 
finishes. It may take several minutes and works around for each kernel 
being removed. A little patience, eh?

Were one (or more) of the technically advanced members of Ubuntu Quebec 
to request it I would gladly send Kim's "purge-kernel" script to them. 
It truly can be run by any user capable of opening a terminal and 
following two very simple steps. Or even by a couple of simple steps in 
Nautilus or Caja.

 From personal experience I know it works as described for my 
UnbuntuMate 14.04 LTS as well as for my wife's Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

For those using the script from Nautilus or Caja they must first set the 
properties of the script file to be executable in a terminal.

For those using the script directly in a terminal here are the two 
simple commands (assuming one has saved the script to one's home 
folder.) N.B., the first command need only be run once as it sets the 
file properties.

The two commands are:
chmod +x purge-kernel

N.B., Ubuntu Vancouver was begun in March 2009 and can be found in 
Meetup at http://www.meetup.com/ubuntuvancouver/ .

Kim can be reached at kim DOT kulak AT gMail DOT com .


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