[Ubuntu-QC] Broadcom rend libre ses pilotes wifi

Michael Faille michael.faille at gmail.com
Ven 10 Sep 04:45:18 BST 2010

  Envoyé par Michael Faille via Google Reader : Broadcom throws Linux a
bone, open sources Wi-Fi drivers via Betanews de Tim Conneally le

By Tim Conneally, Betanews

Wireless chipmaker Broadcom Thursday announced it will be releasing a
fully open source Linux driver for its current generation of 802.11n
chipsets. This means that Wi-Fi, one of the most problematic
peripherals in the entire Linux ecosystem, will become a lot simpler to
set up.

"The driver, while still a work in progress, is released as full source
and uses the native mac80211 stack. It supports multiple current chips
(BCM4313, BCM43224, BCM43225) as well as providing a framework for
supporting additional chips in the future, including mac80211-aware
embedded chips," Broadcom Scientist Henry Ptasinkski posted in a gmane
newsgroup today.

With this driver source code available, Linux distributions can now
include native support for certain Broadcom Wi-Fi chips. Until now,
many of these required users to extract Broadcom's proprietary firmware
and replace it with custom firmware in order for certain wireless
devices to work. Even then, many Broadcom chips were totally
Copyright Betanews, Inc. 2010

Linux - Operating system - Open source - Linux distribution - Broadcom
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