Montréal Ubuntu Edgy Eft Party
Simon Law
sfllaw at
Mer 25 Oct 02:33:11 BST 2006
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Ubuntu 6.10, Edgy Eft as we call it, is releasing this week. Which
means that we'd better have a release party. After all, there's a whole
community of Ubuntu users right here in Montréal.
On the schedule is CD-burning, talking about Ubuntu and Free Software,
and possibly a presentation if I can sucker someone into doing it. But
I'm more than happy to show Edgy running off of my laptop and to answer
any questions.
So join us at Hurley's Irish Pub on Saturday, 28 October 2006 at 12:00
noon. We'll be in the Alley, which is the room right beside the
staircases. And let's toast the community for another great release!
Why: To drink to another successful release
When: Saturday, 28 October 2006 at 12:00 noon
Where: Hurley's Irish Pub. 1225, rue Crescent, Montréal, QC.
See you there!
Simon Law
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