Ubuntu Dapper release party in Montréal

Simon Law sfllaw at ubuntu.com
Ven 2 Juin 06:17:11 BST 2006

To celebrate the release of Ubuntu 6.06, codenamed Dapper, I'm throwing
a release party in Montréal.

There will be free software and open beer! Bring all your geeky friends
and some of your curious ones as well. Debian people are welcome to show
up, since we're all part of the same big, dysfunctional family!

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I'm bringing a CD burner and a stack of CDs.  Oh, and head-office sent me
a roll of Ubuntu stickers, which I will be handing out.  Feel free to
bring fun things for social purposes.  We can't just sit around the whole
time installing operating systems and drinking beer.

Can we?

The particulars:
  Why:   We released Ubuntu 6.06!
  Where: Café l'Utopik. 552, rue Ste-Catherine E.  It's on the second floor.
  When:  Sunday, 4 June 2006 at 18:00.

Happy hacking,
Simon Law                                 http://www.law.yi.org/~sfllaw/

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