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The Alpha Two milestone will be released next Thursday. Starting
today, I am issuing a call to everyone to take a moment this week
and test your favorite iso using the daily image. Be sure and record
your results (and bugs) if any. <br>
Starting next Monday the first images will be generated for the
milestone and we'll begin milestone testing. By taking a moment now
to make sure we don't have any critical issues, we can avoid
re-spins and re-testing next week during the milestone. A bug found,
can be a bug fixed, and a respin avoided :-) For alpha 1, we as a
community reported 11 bugs this way and of them, at least 4 were
critical enough to cause a respin. Instead, they were able to be
fixed before the first iso builds for alpha 1. The amount of work
saved cannot be understated. A big thank you to those that enabled
this to happen from all of us :-)<br>
Also occurring this week is the debut of the new qatracker. Some of
you have gotten a preview of the tracker by participating in the
"12.10 kernel on 12.04 testing". Many thanks to everyone who helped
test and contributed feedback on using the site. The new tracker
will land early in the week; I will let everyone know once the
changeover has occurred. From an iso testing perspective, your
workflow should stay the same for now. I'll detail some of the
enhancements and plans later this week. If you encounter any issues,
please file a bug:
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Finally, here's a few links that may come in useful for you during
iso testing; don't hesitate to ask questions if you need help!<br>
<a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures</a><br>
I can highly recommend zsync and, if your testing must occur in a
VM, testdrive. Zsync makes it easy to keep your isos up-to-date
without having to re-download them.<br>
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As always, happy testing everyone! <br>