Instructions for newbie - QA procedures

Aaron Rainbolt arraybolt3 at
Thu Nov 16 23:59:34 UTC 2023

On 11/15/23 17:13, Guilherme Nolasco wrote:
> Hi, everyone!
> I’ve just joined the QA-test team for Edubuntu 24.04 and would like some
> instructions on how to behave, please.
> How am I to report bugs and crashes? Using the built-in crash report?

The preferred tool for bug reporting is `ubuntu-bug`. Run `ubuntu-bug 
<packagename>` (replacing <packagename> with the name of the apt package 
containing the software that has the bug) to get started with filing a 
bug report. You will need an Ubuntu One account to report bugs.

(If you're having a hard time figuring out which package has what 
software, feel free to join the #edubuntu IRC channel on Libera.Chat 
using your favorite IRC client and ask for help figuring out what's wrong.)

> Is there a checklist for testing or should I just use the system and report
> issues?
That would be a question for Eickmeyer (who is in the #edubuntu channel) 
but I don't think there are any specific testing checklists.
> Should I focus on specific features?
Probably - new features generally need tested to make sure they don't 
break existing features, and to make sure the new features aren't broken 
themselves. Monitoring the #edubuntu channel on Libera.Chat is probably 
the best way to see what's going on in that world.
> Are there any procedures or scripts to be followed?
Not sure.
> Thanks in advance.
> Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for your interest in helping! Hopefully something I was able to 
say here will be of some use to you.

- Aaron

> Guilherme Nolasco
> guilhermemnolasco at

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