Fwd: 22.10 Beta testing for Desktop

Heather Ellsworth heather.ellsworth at canonical.com
Mon Oct 3 17:28:02 UTC 2022

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	22.10 Beta testing for Desktop
Date: 	Thu, 29 Sep 2022 18:39:22 -0700
From: 	Heather Ellsworth <heather.ellsworth at canonical.com>
To: 	desktop-crew at lists.canonical.com, ubuntu-quality at ubuntu.com
CC: 	Brian Murray <brian.murray at canonical.com>

Hello everyone!

As you may be aware, we have 22.10 Beta images available for testing and
our first beta candidate images have been built and made available [0], 
but I selfishly want to highlight the desktop test
cases :)


There is also a discourse post [1] acting as a call for the community to
participate in "Testing Week", starting today and going through next
Thursday, October 6.

Due to a snap-preseed issue [2], snap-preseed has been removed for now
as a workaround. The snap-preseed reduces the ISO/first boot time, by
running some of the tasks which usually run as part of the ISO/first
boot and removing it shouldn't be harmful. It just takes 60s or so on
first boot (or live usb) to see all of the snaps in 'snap list'. So
other than that known issue, please help us out in testing!

Beta is a great occasion to find and identify possible serious issues
that need to be fixed before the final release. So please take a moment
to do a few test installs, follow a few test cases, and leave a trace on
the tracker! It's important that the earlier we identify those issues,
the more likely it will be that we might resolve them before Final Freeze.

[0] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/22.10/beta/ 
[1] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-22-10-testing-week/30894 
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1990884 

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