Ubuntu 19.10 Final Call For Testing

Alan Pope alan.pope at canonical.com
Thu Oct 17 00:04:15 UTC 2019

We're on the home straight for 19.10, but need to get some more testing
done before the final release. We have rebuilt the ISO a few times over the
last couple of days, so make sure you get the ones date stamped **20191016
or later**!


Of special interest:
 * Did we break the re-spin of the ISO?
 * Do (EXPERIMENTAL) ZFS installs work as expected?
 * For Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu MATE on **nVidia equipped**
bare-metal - does the "install the good/bad stuff" tick-box in Ubiquity
bring in the latest nVidia driver, and importantly some i386 libraries too

We've been through a ton of tests over the last few days but need one final
push to make sure we didn't set any computers on fire with the most recent
images! :D

Thanks everyone!
Alan Pope
Developer Advocate

Canonical - Data Center Development
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at canonical.com

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