I have written a draft for the Reporting Bugs guide

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Thu May 11 14:52:22 UTC 2017

> What if the things you both agree on - everyone else in the world
> disagrees with?

Since I will be showing the same draft to everyone, we will know.

Dario Ruellan:
 > I have no problem leaving this in public, in fact, could be nice to
 > first gather consensus regarding the actual documentation.

The problem with that is any conversation tends to be super lengthy, and 
when people discusses things in a public manner they tend to be more 
defensive. Then the conversation easily turns spam, and bystanders just 
want it to end.

On the other hand if we agree first on private we will be talking only 
about what that particular person really feels is interesting, with more 
deep, and there won't be any need to defend points of views.

Then the public conversation will be much more easygoing.

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