call for testing: mysql

Leo Arias leo.arias at
Tue Feb 28 15:59:12 UTC 2017


I promised that more interesting things were going to be available
soon for testing in Ubuntu, and here is one of the greatest:

$ sudo snap install mysql --channel=8.0/beta

Lars Tangvald and other people at MySQL have been working on this snap
for some time, and now they are ready to give it to the community for
crowd testing. If you have some minutes, please give them a hand.

Here's the testing guide to help you getting started:

Remember that this should run in trusty, xenial, yakkety, zesty and in
all flavours of Ubuntu. It would be great to get a diverse pool of
platforms and test it everywhere.

In here we are introducing a new concept: tracks [1]. Notice that we
are using --channel=8.0/beta, instead of only --beta as we used to do
before. That's because mysql has two different major versions
currently active. In order to try the other one:

$ sudo snap install mysql --channel=5.7/beta

Please report back your results. Any kind of feedback will be highly
appreciated, and if you have doubts or need a hand to get started, I'm
hanging around in

pura vida

¡paz y baile!

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