I have written a draft for the Reporting Bugs guide

Peter Matulis peter.matulis at canonical.com
Wed Apr 26 13:59:23 UTC 2017

I personally don't see that image being effective in achieving your
objective. It's a bit sublime. Also, the sauwastika also seems "off"

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 4:35 AM, Alberto Salvia Novella <
es20490446e at gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris Hermansen has pointed out that one of the problems with reporting
> bugs is that many people won't take the time to file a bug report, but
> instead they would look for a kick work around and never report.
> Curiously, when I showed the proposed draft for the bug reporting guide to
> my brother, he mentioned something similar. He said that it would be good
> having something extra for motivating people to report.
> I feel those views are pretty accurate. I think many people will only
> report only when it hurts so hard, and only after Ubuntu has been released.
> Then everyone will start complaining about Ubuntu being unstable, but what
> really happened is that nobody reported some of the important issues with
> enough time to fix them.
> So I came up with a solution for that, which is to include a poster on the
> bottom of the page, used on World War to encourage workers to pay attention
> to the minor problems.
> I think it's an atypical fix, but that it would do well on raising
> awareness about the importance of reporting the bugs.
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/es20490446e/Reporting%20bugs)
> --
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