Fwd: The grep disaster

php fan php4fan at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 22:40:07 UTC 2016

(I sent this reply to Alberto by mistake instead of the list)

> I think you already said that before, indeed more than once.

Not more than once.
I did once, but it got completely ignored*, and then I had tried to send
this very message but it got rejected.

* EDIT: I correct myself: it was probably not ignored, but no action has
been taken to the present day to fix the issue in Ubuntu, so it completely
makes sense to raise the issue again to the attention of the QA team, the
point being that such a thing cannot stay unfixed in the distribution for
so long.

> You may want to poke upstream about that.

You are missing the point. Given the severity of the issue, until it is
fixed upstream, the ubuntu package should be urgently rolled back to a
workable version.

I wonder how you people can even work in an environment where grep is

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