Ubuntu Desktop Testcases

flocculant flocculant at gmx.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 17:12:24 UTC 2016

On 14/06/16 17:53, Paul White wrote:
> Thanks flocculant but after seeing some of the comments on IRC I
> wondering whether reporting bugs against Ubuntu ISOs at this stage will
> actually prompt any action from those that can actually  fix things.
> May be I'll hold off testing Ubuntu 16.10 ISOs until I can actually
> download their Beta release in a couple of months from now.
depends what comments?

depends what bugs?

I was failing xubuntu iso's critically - and I 'can' be critical, for 
weeks - eventually I grabbed someone - day later (ish) fixed (thanks 

so - to my mind - yes things break, and things break for different teams 
at different times, but unless there is some localised place to report 
them - who would know?

I can tell Xubuntu people /all/ week about ubiquity fails on the mailing 
list - and the same thing could be there for ALL flavours - but if we 
don't have a common place to report them - then my fails remain my fails.

We should be a team, even if we play for the 'oddteam'

not sure that's what you're implying - you know where I am on irc if I 
failed to grab your point


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