Ubuntu Desktop Testcases

flocculant flocculant at gmx.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 15:25:28 UTC 2016

On 14/06/16 16:16, warren wrote:
> There are not any testcases available for Ubuntu 16.10 Desktop on 
> iso.qa.ubuntu.com.
> I do realize it is alpha but is this the norm?
Nope. Not normal. But there's not anyone about to deal with Ubuntu 
things with Nick doing other things.

I did bring it up once - but given that I'm Xubuntu - we have our 
testcases sorted ;)

(I did help other flavours who needed it - but I assume that Canonical 
pay someone to make sure their stuff is there)


ps - I would have done Ubuntu testcases - but there are just so many it 
was a case of manana ...

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