[FLAVOURS] QA Flavour Cycle meetup

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 10:52:14 UTC 2016

Walter Lapchynski:
 > We need to organize together, which we're not doing too well.

If you care about organization, my suggestion would be to put it written 
on a wiki that anyone could see, without digging too much in minor 
points. Make a draft of it and agree on the details later on.

This is because, when people want to contribute, most of the time they 
won't be asking for information. But looking if it is already there, 
then decide if to help.

Also realize how much time is usually spent in conversations than lead 
to very small actions. Better than that is to start making something and 
seek for agreement latter on, having some prototype on where to talk on.

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