Do you think this bug really belongs to Linux?

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Wed Jan 20 16:27:21 UTC 2016

On Mon, 18 Jan 2016 19:48:06 +0100
Alberto Salvia Novella <es20490446e at> wrote:

> Brian Murray:
> > But what makes you concerned that it might not be?  
> I thought that some of these could fall on the SystemD side:
> Will Buckner at (
>  > Instance Status Checks fail, and I can no longer SSH to the
>  > machine. Background daemons running on the system stop responding,
>  > and nothing is written to the logs.  
> Although reading the logs it seems more probable to belong to Linux,
> as what triggers the bug is a general protection fault.


Please give your questions in full. "Is this right/wrong/good/bad"-type
of questions are not easily answered without context. 

For example, you could have posted your question as "I think linux is
the wrong source package on this bug, because {explanations of why YOU
think so}. Am I right?"

You tend to throw questions/opinions/comments without reference, or
context. Please do no do so.


ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris
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