Launchpad Greasemonkey Scripts

Brian Murray brian at
Wed Jan 6 18:11:02 UTC 2016

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 03:26:36PM -0800, Brian Murray wrote:
> I've worked on and use some greasemonkey scripts[1] that modify Launchpad
> and make some tasks easier. One of them, lp_button_tags, isn't currently
> working and I thought this would make a good Google Code In project.
> Having said that it wouldn't be very rewarding if I'm the only person
> still using these.
> So is anybody else still using these scripts?
> Or have you never heard of them and do you want the script which makes
> it easier to tag bugs working again?

The button tags script is working again thanks to Evan McIntire who
fixed the Google Code In task I created. He also updated the tags xml
file so those are now current!

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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