14.04.4 RC images (20160217)

Ali/amjjawad amjjawad at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 17 10:44:46 UTC 2016

Hi Adam and everyone,

Thanks for your email :)

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:48 PM, Adam Conrad <adconrad at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> I've just kicked off a world image respin that should come out as
> 20160217 for everyone.

According to the time, you sent this email 53 minutes ago.


Still showing the status: "re-building" on the images.

My question is: when the images are ready for testing? how long it takes
and I mean the "re-building" status?!

> This includes a few security updates, two
> last-minute stability updates, and the correct 14.04.4 versioning.
Many thanks :)

> Given the testing on the last couple of images, I think it's fair
> to say this is almost definitely the batch we'll be releasing on
> Thursday, so please give them at least a boot/install/reboot smoke
> test on all flavours and make sure all the images are functional.
> Thanks in advance,
As always, we highly appreciate your hard work :)

> ... Adam
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Happy testing, everyone!

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."

Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>

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