USB 3 drives and remounting

JMZ florentior at
Thu Dec 15 15:58:47 UTC 2016

Hi flocculant,

Have you checked the device status through the lsblk command?  If you 
are done with the device, you might have to enter a umount command for 
the device before it is fully removable without data loss.

I'm wary of file managers' ability to mount/unmount drives.  Better to 
set up a simple startup script which mounts all the drives at the 
beginning.  It's a cinch then to umount drives as they are not needed.  
Anything that could result in data loss is best entrusted to a terminal.


On 12/15/2016 01:45 AM, flocculant wrote:
> I've been seeing the bug wherein a usb3 drive remounts itself after 
> you've ejected via file manager(s) for some time


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