USB 3 drives and remounting

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Thu Dec 15 07:12:40 UTC 2016

Den 2016-12-15 kl. 07:45, skrev flocculant:
> I've been seeing the bug wherein a usb3 drive remounts itself after
> you've ejected via file manager(s) for some time
> The issue has been kicking since 2011 (bug 792085 was reported in 2011)[1]
> Recently suse found a fix [2]
> Is this something that will eventually find it's way to us through kernel?
> I can only imagine that the situation will get worse as more people
> purchase usb3 devices.
> [1]
> [2]

Hi Flocculant,

I don't think I am affected by this problem. I use USB 3 pendrives as 
well as connect SSDs via USB 3 very often.

1. I run Xubuntu + Lubuntu (both desktops in the same system) in a 
computer with only USB 2 ports. USB 3 pendrives are not remounting after 
unmounting with 'umount'.

2. I run several Ubuntu based systems in laptops and a NUC with USB 3 
ports. I have not noticed this problem. Please tell me how to reproduce 
this bug - I will certainly test your recipe to find out why I have not 
been affected (or maybe not noticed it).

Best regards

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