Upgrading to 16.04 can render the system permanently broken

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 15:59:50 UTC 2016

Alberto Salvia Novella:
> Do you mean papercuts could be better tracked using a tag?

There is a problem with that. One purpose of the papercuts project is to 
train incomers in quality assurance. And having a separate project for 
that allows people setting bug statuses and importances without needing 
to belong to the Bug Control team, which requires been already skilled 
in triaging.

 > Adding HundredPaperCuts - then that never changing - mucks up our bug
 > tracking.

Many times updating those settings is pointless because 
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/One%20Hundred%20Papercuts) already filters 
those bugs.

Moreover if you think that outdated info mucks up the panel, you can 
just update it yourself simply by copying that in the package. As both 
should coincide.

 > My interest here lies in the issue it causes us when it's added as an
 > affected project in Launchpad.

Is there any further issue than the project just been listed in the panel?

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