replacing the Startup Disk Creator

Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre mathieu-tl at
Thu Sep 17 19:46:18 UTC 2015

Le 2015-09-17 15:21, Nio Wiklund a écrit :
> Den 2015-09-17 kl. 19:08, skrev Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre:

> It seems that a fair fraction of those who have bothered to vote in the
> poll and / or written a detailed reply prefer Unetbootin. And I know
> that many of them have used it in many situations.
> There have been problems with it, for example the gfxboot.c32: not a
> COM32R Image boot bug (corresponding to #1325801 for the SDC). But it
> was quickly fixed by the developer and a working version was available
> at the developer's PPA. Unfortunately the version of Unetbootin in the
> Ubuntu repository is lagging behind.

Then please file a bug report to have it synced or whatever, as
appropriate to get a recent version in the archive.


> The remainder, when people want persistence or use the rest of the drive
> space for carrying data between computers, or who want a multiboot
> pendrive, can be managed with Unetbootin or Multisystem, but also with
> some other tools that 'participate' in the poll at the Ubuntu Forums.
> LXLE replaced the SDC with MultibootUSB in the current release. They
> have tested several tools before selecting it. ToriOS will soon release
> its first official version, and it uses mkusb.

I don't think we want to have different tools for different features.
The purpose of SDC is to be an application on the default install and on
the images, so that users can write a new version to USB to try it
before installing. It's still satisfying this primary purpose.

FWIW, I'm not opposed to change, but I'd like to see people coming
forward with something that is proven to work correctly, and that has
more backing than a small poll on Forums. It's also not only my
decision, but rather the decision of Ubuntu users and developers in general.

Already looking after usb-creator, it seems like it's by far simpler to
just fix the bugs.

So, request a session at UOS, discuss it there, and see if people are
willing to do the work to support it *in Ubuntu*, looking at the bugs,
etc. From there, we used to have a "defaults" session where default
applications on images were "picked". If I was you I'd at least bring up
your alternative on ubuntu-devel, see if there is interest.

Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu-tl at>
Freenode: cyphermox, Jabber: at
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