New Tester Introduction

Anthony Papillion anthony at
Sun Jan 18 23:04:29 UTC 2015

Greetings Everyone,

I'm Anthony a long-time x/Ubuntu user and even long-time general Linux
user (my first distro was Redhat Linux back in 2001). I've wanted to get
involved in the project for a while now but, though I'm a professional
software developer, didn't feel that dev was the right place for me.
Finally, I came across Marketing and Testing and these seem like good fits.

So here I am, a 40 year old Oklahoma guy, dipping his toe into Xubuntu
testing. I'm hoping to get involved with ISO testing and bug triaging.

Hope to contribute!

Anthony Papillion

Phone:       1.918.631.7331
XMPP Chat:   cypher at
Fingerprint: 65EF73EC 8B57F6B1 8C475BD4 426088AC FE21B251
PGP Key:

To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider whether
defending the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic,
requires you to follow Edward Snowden's example.

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