Package QA Tracker

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Tue Aug 18 20:44:47 UTC 2015

It can be setup anyway you wish. Historically it's been found useful to
retain the results for an entire cycle at once for packages. When we
removed older results, we got duplicate bugs and it was harder to see what
had been touched and what had not. It would be interesting to have a
discussion about how you want to use the tracker and what would be the most
useful to you. It's likely we can make the changes you want without needing
to make changes to the site/code. It would simply require a quorum among
those who use it.

So do you want the package tracker to have milestones during the cycle?
Reset once a month? Something else? What about having the old results
bothers you?

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Walter Lapchynski <wxl at> wrote:

> I'm all ears, Nick!
> @wxl |
> Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
> Ubuntu Oregon Team Leader
> Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-organizer
> On Aug 16, 2015 9:44 AM, <flocculant at> wrote:
>> On 16/08/15 17:27, Walter Lapchynski wrote:
>>> so it resets every month?
>>> No.
>> It doesn't reset at all. Just finishes at cycle end and then starts again.
>> Nick can tell you more about why it was set up as it is.
>>> @wxl |
>>> Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
>>> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
>>> Ubuntu Oregon Team Leader
>>> Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
>>> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-organizer
>>> On Aug 16, 2015 12:16 AM, <flocculant at <mailto:
>>> flocculant at>> wrote:
>>>     On 15/08/15 16:35, Simon Quigley wrote:
>>>             If a test result for a package in week 1 of a dev cycle
>>>         shows a
>>>             fail and has a bug filed against it why is that invalid in
>>>         week 20
>>>             if it hasn't been fixed?
>>>         My point wasn't that. Then the QA person would have to
>>>         reattach the bug(not so hard if there was somewhat of a history).
>>>             I'm not really sure how removing test results for a cycle
>>>         is useful.
>>>             I would expect QA people to know if a bug reported against a
>>>             package is still relevant or not.
>>>>>>         ​Because of regression. If there is package regression and the
>>>         QA tracker shows a passed result, then it would be a little
>>>         confusing to see a bug report
>>>         ​ concerning the same package ​
>>>         by the same person, don't you think?​
>>>     Or I would be pleased to be in a position to know that it was a
>>>     regression because I could simply see that the same thing passed
>>>     last month ;)
>>>         --         Have a nice day,
>>>         Simon Quigley
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