What if users warned about critical bugs?

Brian Murray brian at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 20 15:00:46 UTC 2014

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 05:11:52PM +0100, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> Thomas Ward:
> >How would a user know what a critical bug is?
> Instead of asking to report critical bugs, you can ask "if the bug
> causes data corruption or renders the system temporally or
> permanently unusable, please warn about it to the Bug Control team".
> Thomas Ward:
> > why would they need to email bug control?
> So the team can set importance early, instead these bugs remain
> unnoticed in a pool of reports.
> Thomas Ward:
> > And where in the documentation would you put this?
> On <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs>.
> Thomas Ward:
> > Further, while bugs may be 'critical' and need attention, does
> > everyone on bug control really need to be notified of every critical
> > bug?
> There are only 47 known critical bugs for all the supported
> releases, and only 14 affecting Utopic.
> Probably the Bug Control team would be receiving less than 10 emails
> for every circle of 6 months.

I think this is a false assumption, in that the people setting the bug's
importance to critical know the definition of critical and are able to
independently judge the bug's importance. Some Launchpad user reporting
or experiencing the bug report is much more likely to think their bug
report is critical. Subsequently, I think your numbers are quite low and

Another consideration is that the Ubuntu Bug Control mailing list is
moderated so any emails sent to it will need to be approved by an
administrator. I'd like it if a different system were used.

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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