What if users warned about critical bugs?
Thomas Ward
teward at trekweb.org
Mon Nov 10 17:56:46 UTC 2014
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Alberto Salvia Novella
<es20490446e at gmail.com> wrote:
> Brendan Perrine:
>> If this gets to all users how can we make sure there are not people
>> that think this bug affects me therefore it is critical which could
>> make lots of mistakes. Or a user that is like I want this fixed badly
>> therefore it is critical.
> In the last term the Bug Control team is who sets the importance, not the
> reported.
The only way this can work is if people familiar with the package /
issue actively are
alerted about the criticality issue. In those cases, though, they're
likely already watching
the bugs in the specific packages. So how does this expedite
processing of the bugs?
As well, we're going to have a lot of users who aren't familiar with
the importance criterion,
emailing in and saying "Oh, this is critical", because they don't read
the importance
requirements, and we're probably going to get higher amounts of
items in the bug control inbox.
> Brendan Perrine:
>> How would this be any different than a bug that ends up in red on the
>> bug tracker that makes an install fail.
> Nothing, as the bug would be tracked in Launchpad equally.
If this makes it no different than any other bug, how does notifying
Bug Control about
potentially critical bugs make any real difference? Just because we
set the importance
does not mean it gets fixed faster.
> Brendan Perrine:
>> A bug tag on launchpad like iso-testing-critical for bugs that caused
>> a failed testcase could be something to make triaging easier and
>> would encourage people to use the tracker and would work on top of
>> the already existing infrastructre.
> Why putting "critical" to a tag when there's already a field for priorities?
> How can adding a new tag to the list of 123 we have encourage people to use
> the tracker?
This. There's no need for a 'critical' tag. If we had a 'critical'
tag we'd need the additional
tags for every other importance and that's not necessarily needed.
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