Why not triaging confirmed bugs instead of new ones?

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 00:23:12 UTC 2014

Daniel Letzeisen:
 > Are you saying that bug control members should focus on confirmed
 > bugs and leave new bugs to other bug squad members?

Answered in my previous mail, sent at the same time I was receiving this 

Daniel Letzeisen:
> Confirmed status can be confused by people who have the same vague
> symptoms without the root cause (wrong resolution, no sound, etc.).

How will affect this to not looking at new bugs?

Daniel Letzeisen:
 > And certain bugs (mostly kernel bugs, I think), automatically get marked
 > Confirmed by a bot run by Brad Figg (which I personally find
 > annoying/unhelpful).

This is because the bot assumes that if there's a kernel crash the bug 
must be real for sure, so you can easily know that no confirmation is 

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